Useful Information

Thermal storage is a dedicated product that produces and stores heat.

Thermal storage consists of dedicated products that allow people and businesses to produce and store heat for when they need space heating or hot water. These dedicated products use modern materials and smart technology to produce heat when the electricity system is greenest and cheapest.

Thermal storage reduces carbon emissions and saves people money.

23% of UK carbon emissions comes from heating our buildings. This mostly comes from burning fossil fuels in gas, oil and LPG boilers. For the UK to achieve net zero, experts like the Committee on Climate Change see a big role for using electricity to heat our buildings. As winter electricity demand could quadruple by 2050, this requires more flexibility. Thermal storage has a big role to play.

Thermal storage can save money.

Thermal storage shifts space heating and hot water demand from peak to off-peak times. Electricity is more expensive at peaks, which occur in the late afternoon and evening. Electricity is often cheaper at night. When paired with smart time of use tariffs, people can pay less overall for their heating.

Thermal storage works in all sorts of homes.

Thermal storage can provide as much comfort as a fossil fuel heating system.

Of course, it is always a good idea to improve the energy efficiency of your property where cost-effective. 15 million homes in England have an energy performance rating of EPC band D and below.

Thermal storage products can create their own heat or store heat generated by other technologies.

Some thermal storage products create their own heat. Others work with low carbon electric heating systems like heat pumps.

Depending on the building, the right heating solution might be dedicated thermal storage or a heat pump combined with thermal storage.